Make Your Bathroom Kid Friendly

Bathrooms are essential to the function of a family home. Unfortunately, bathrooms aren’t always the easiest rooms to adapt to children’s needs. The bathroom is one of the busiest rooms in your home. Actually, it is where everybody starts in the morning and ends at night. It is not always equally easy to use for every member of your family. There are problems with height, issues on slippery floor problems, and a lot more. In fact, there are many things you need to keep in mind if you have children. Having said so, you feel the need to make your bathroom kid-friendly.

The bathrooms in the apartment whether efficient and sufficient can make or break the time it takes for kids to get ready in the morning and get clean at night. It is important for the bathroom to be a pleasant space because you want your children to be able to use your bathroom efficiently. Likewise, you also want them to enjoy while using them. So, depending on how young your kids are, here are some tips where you can adjust your bathroom t their needs.

 Picture of Make Your Bathroom Kid Friendly

How to Make Bathroom Kid Friendly in the Apartment

The apartment lifestyle affords those families who live in many luxuries. Unfortunately, custom bathrooms are not among them. This means that parents aspiring to create a kid-friendly bathroom environment have to be creative. The good thing is that even if you live there for years with the apartment bathrooms, you can update while your children grow. Additionally, you can upgrade according to their needs and their tastes as they get mature! Please find below, some kids’ bathroom ideas that will solve problems and allow for their development over time.

Short stuff and counters are too high

It is a fact that the average counter heights are actually higher for some adults. Because of this, shorter people which includes children and/or adults dealing with high counters end up taking unplanned baths each time they want to wash their face. To solve this, one custom solution is to invest in a step stool that can collapse to stow easily out of sight. Utilize it to add a splash of color and turn that generic neutral apartment bathroom into one that suits your kids’ personalities. This comes in handy so you can remove it after your kids are done cleaning themselves. The counter can be used normally when they grow older.

Access to bathroom items

Kids need easy access to some items but need to be kept away from others. The suggestion is to use storage with different heights. Provide lower drawers say, by the sink so the child could access them, and use higher storage for other items. For a less custom option, keep adult products on higher shelves. Meanwhile, consider giving your child a small toy box, cabinet, or low-height storage option so that he can access towels, toys, and other acceptable items. Separate storages installed at different heights will allow you to store items on another drawer not intended for the kids.

Consider the space as a reading room

Got a little one who’s in the toilet-training zone? A low-profile magazine rack can easily hold thin children’s books. This will not only boost interest in reading but getting on the “potty train”.  You can either move it later on to an adult reading area or create one right there in the room with a mix of kids’ and adults’ reading materials.

Be crafty and creative

Invest a few bucks in a glue gun and let the Internet be your guide to a fabulous, kid-friendly bathroom! Customize toothbrush/toothpaste holders, create beautiful wall hangings, construct your own shelving and customize your switch plates.

To sum up, the above tips will definitely allow you to make your bathroom more kid-friendly.

Credit to: ApartmentGuide


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