Have you been imagining a peaceful life with privacy and away from the busy and noisy life? Living in a simple way is not demanding to achieve. In fact, sometimes it’s an enjoyable feeling to experience a change of environment and atmosphere. A transformation from noise to serenity. And likewise, it is pleasing to get rid of the hectic life in the metropolis for people who wants to swing a demanding cycle into quietness. Well, leave the city and enjoy life in a simple wood house design in minimalist style for comfort.
This house in feature we have for you is a simple one-bedroom house design with a veranda. This is not a house for a big family though. In fact, it is only for a single occupant or a couple who are looking for some privacy and serenity. This house can be a rest house or a place to stay for a great relaxation. Moreover, this simple wood house design will be excellent for families in the countryside communities at low level income. Whichever case, the unit is a perfect place, obviously, also for health reasons.
Features of Simple Wood House Design in Minimalist Style
This house plan suits to a lot away from the city with the main purpose of offering a peaceful environment and ultimate freedom. This house consists of 80% wood materials which offers a rural look. It is similar to nipa huts that are built for an inviting yard. Nevertheless, its roof though is out of iron. It is basically a gable roof with an extension of skillion roof that leans forward. The house is constructed in an elevated scheme with four steps creating a great dwelling during rainy days. In fact, the set-up will protect the dwellers from rain water that might accumulate in its surroundings.
The house offers a total area of 20 square meters divided into the main room which is 13 sq.m. and the veranda of 7 sq.m. area. As you can see from the floor plan, the main room has 13 sq.m. total area, which is a relatively a big space to accommodate a bedroom, some cabinets, and the bathroom. Additionally, you can put dividers to separate the bed from the other areas except for the bathroom that really needs to be enclosed. Finally, one corner should serve as the kitchen with a sink and an area for dish drainer. Meanwhile, you can also provide a small refrigerator if you wish.
Minimalist Style in House
For a small house like this, the concept of minimalism is very visible. Minimalism is owning fewer possessions. It has the purpose of stripping down everything to their essential function and achieve simplicity. Consequently, only the things and areas that serve a purpose or function stay. This is to allow for more space by not putting unnecessary stuffs. Nonetheless, it doesn’t mean to eliminate the purpose of decorating inside but rather minimizing the use of decorations to achieve simplicity.
But why do some people wants to live a minimalist life instead of extravagance life if given the chance?
Well, this is not imposing for everyone to live a minimalist life. This is only for those who wants to enjoy a no-excess-baggage principle. Being minimalist intends to promote the value of getting rid of those that distract you. Minimalism gives us the freedom from expenses, spending only on things and properties that are most valuable to us. This style is a smart way that opens up the opportunity for you to value the happiness that you obtain from relationships, experiences, and contentment from what you already have.
To sum up, the great advantages of this house are the location, cost of constructing the unit and health benefits being environmental friendly as well.
Wow this is beautiful, needs plan and quotations with material listing. I’m in the Fiji Island,. Just hit by three Cyclone of CT5. Please need your kind assistance.
Wow it’s amazing..kindly pls.swnd me the materials..thank you
Love it as home in the farm
Nice, do you have a 2 bedroom design?
Nice, do you have a design for a bungalow type self contained house, ideally for a resort in a highlands in PNG